[ HIIT, Strength & Toning ]
What is HIIT?
"HIIT" stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It's a method in which you alternate between bursts of high intensity, all out exercise and medium intensity recovery movement.
Using fun, energizing music such as "Hooked On Classics", we'll alternate between simple, yet vigorous exercises such as jumping jacks for 30 to 45 seconds and lower intensity, light running in place
or similar for the next 30 to 45 seconds. During the high intensity portions, you should be working at 80 to 95% of your maximum heart rate. During the recovery segments, you should be working at 60 to 75% of it. Students will be encouraged to modify the exercises to meet their own fitness level, such as lowering the intensity of their movements as necessary.
Strength and Toning
During some of the recovery segments, we'll work on strength and toning. For example, we may get on the floor and hold what's called a plank for 30 seconds, while cheering each other on!
HIIT's Many Health Benefits!
Improve aerobic fitness

* EPOC, also called afterburn,
alone has many benefits, but for
us, it especially means we
continue to burn calories long
after the workout is over!

Improve mitochondria function
HIIT improves our body's
ability to create energy!
According to sciencefocus.com:
"HIIT is said to improve the
function of the mitochondria
in your cells . . . so they get
better at converting oxygen
and nutrients into fuel for
your muscles."
HIIT Workouts:
Major Health Benefits
Plus Sample Workout Plans
Dr. Axe explains in detail each
of these 6 benefits:
1. Improves Type 2 Diabetes
2. Boosts cardiovascular health
3. Triggers an Excess Post-
Exercise Oxygen (EPOC) Effect *
4. Releases muscle growth and
fat-burning hormones
5. Anti-aging
6. Helps balance hormones
( 3 Key ones )
"Why HIIT is Good for Losing
Weight and Burning Fat"
(and much more!)
1. Burns calories faster
2. Enhances endurance
3. Improves blood vessel
4. Promotes blood sugar mgmt.
5 . Decreases resting heart rate
and blood pressure
6. Undoes age-related muscle

Lose weight
7. Benefits brain function
8. Lessens anxiety and
Note that the last two
benefit our brains!
why- hiit-is-good-for-burning-fat-
and- losing-weight
Improve brain neuroplasticity

To be more specific about how
HIIT benefits our brains, an
article in Healthline.com stated:
"New research finds that
workout routines with
bursts of intensity followed
by short periods of rest
have a positive effect on the
brain’s neuroplasticity".
"This Type of Training
Permanently Improves Bone
Strength At Any Age"
"Beck's team conducted a study of
100 women where half did high-
intensity training and half did lower
intensity training. Within a few
months, the high-intensity group
saw improvements in bone density,
whereas the lower intensity
group saw none."

Improve bone density
"Remarkably, a follow up with
participants six years later revealed
that the people in the high-impact
group had maintained their bone
density gains, even if they'd stopped
with the high-impact exercise.
This means that the benefits of HIIT
are long-lasting."
Bottom line, Â Â HIIT IS AMAZING!